Saturday, May 2, 2009

community of boatbuilders

One thing you learn quick when you get into building boats like this is that there is an entire subculture of amateur boatbuilding out there. Wooden Boat Magazine, their online forum, many other online forums, many books, etc.

Other builders are always eager to help you with advice. When I first started looking into building one of these, I contacted the designer to see if there were any builders close to me. Turns out, someone just around the corner had built a Core Sound 17' - the sister to the BRS. I called him up on the phone and he showed me his boat. I'm hoping he's going to take me sailing now that the weather has warmed up. I'm also hoping he can help me with some things like building the rudder.

I have found two other builders of the BRS 17 - one in Florida (Tampa area) and one in Warsaw, Poland. The builder in Florida has been using his as a motoring fishing skiff. He has yet to complete the sailing rigging on the boat. He has sent me some pictures of his boat and I'll post them if he gives me permission.

The builder in Warsaw is named Wojtek and hopes to make his maiden voyage in his BRS this week. Here is a photo of his boat:

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